How to get rid of parasites in the body using folk methods

What does it mean in relation to parasites in the human body? In medicine, parasites are called various pathogenic and macro-micro organisms such as parasites inside or outside the host, getting good nutrition from them.

Such parasites include a large group of infectious, somatic and human pathogens pathogens: worms, viruses, fungi, insects, bacteria, protozoa, rickettsiae and others.

Human parasitic diseases are caused by arthropods, helminths, multicellular parasites and protozoa - plasmodia, lamblia, Trichomonas and toxoplasma.

Mechanisms of parasitic disease pathogen transmission

Parasites from the external environment enter the human body in various ways. For example, helminths enter the digestive tract through dirty hands, vegetables, berries and fruits that are not adequately washed. After the introduction of some or other parasites into the body, a person begins to suffer from ascariasis, toxocariasis, enterobiasis, echinococcosis, alveococcosis. In the environment, larvae and eggs of parasites are often found in water or soil contaminated with feces.

At low temperatures or drying, parasites do not die, they retain their immunity for many years. Small children are infected through contact with infected toys, laundry, sand from sand. The highest risk of contracting parasitic diseases is observed in those who prefer to feel everything.

And also among the categories of people who do not adhere to personal hygiene and industry. Pigs, as well as bovine tapeworms (teniasis and teniarinhoses) enter through the mouth into the digestive tract with meat products that have not been given heat treatment. Fish that have not been thermally or slightly saltedly processed can be infected with fluke larvae (the causative agent of opisthorchiasis) and widespread tapeworms. The same goes for roe fish.

In some countries with hot and humid climates, some parasites (filariae and dirofilariae) are spread through the bites of worms, lice, mosquitoes and fleas. In medicine, there is such a name - re-invasion. This is a condition of re-infection with parasites of people who have a habit of biting their nails. Medical statistics claim that any person on earth at least once in his life suffers from parasitic attacks, especially at the age of 14.

Parasites in the human body - symptoms of disease

Today, medicine has data on 250 types of helminths that are parasitic on the skin, digestive system, as well as the tissues and internal organs of a person. While in the intestine, they cause acute pain of varying intensity, discomfort in the abdominal cavity; on this basis, patients experience nausea, vomiting, stools or constipation that is often not enough.

Helminths cause the development of diabetes mellitus, arthritis, eye disease, cholecystitis, cystitis, hepatitis, urethritis, pancreatitis, myocarditis, pneumonia (pneumonia). It makes no sense now to describe the symptoms of all the diseases listed above, the description of which is found on the appropriate page on this site.

Parasites, receiving food from their host, cause a lack of iron, protein, potassium, amino acids, manganese, vitamins and many other useful micro-elements in the body. Against this background, patients complain of general weakness, severe fatigue, headache. Even with good nutrition, these patients lose weight. But sometimes obesity occurs with metabolic disorders that occur with several helminthiases: bovine tapeworm and tapeworm.

Nails and hair are dull and broken. Persistent poor health associated with vitamin B deficiency can cause unexplained anxiety, restlessness, and irritation in adults. And in children, behavioral adequacy is observed. Liver parasitic pathogens cause frequent sleep deprivation in the morning. Patients have memory impairment, they are less assimilating educational materials, communication with others is quite difficult.

Cysticercus swine tapeworm enters the brain tissue, contributing to seizures such as epileptic seizures. There is also a violation of speech and vision, movement and sensitivity, confusion and hallucinations, loss of consciousness. The abundance of severe symptoms often causes doctors to suspect the formation of brain tumors.

Patients complain of disorders (arrhythmias) in the work of the heart, palpitations, itching of the skin with a rash on its surface. The presence of parasitic larvae in the lungs causes the development of obstructive bronchitis and even bronchial asthma. Bronchus trees are often exposed to ascaris larvae and toxocara, cysticercus or pig egg tapeworms.

More rarely, parasites infect the inner layers of the skin, causing discomfort in the form of crawling and swarming, scabies. All types of parasitic disease pathogens are able to actively suppress the protective properties of the host organism. The pathological mechanism consists in the production of antienzymes by parasites that inhibit food digestion.

On this basis, intestinal infections, acute respiratory illness, poisoning and colds appear, there is a real risk of developing oncological pathology. Clinical blood tests show signs of anemia (anemia), eosinophilia, folate, protein, vitamin B12, and iron deficiency.

With various helminthiasis, the symptoms listed above and a few others are observed. It all depends on the location of the parasite. Eye diseases may occur: uveitis, conjunctivitis, damage to the lens and retina, and even complete loss of vision.

Diagnostics of parasites in the human body

Before prescribing the course of treatment, the attending physician examines the patient carefully to clarify the diagnosis. In this case he will be assisted by a bacteriological examination of the stool, where the helminth eggs are found; in the conjunctival sac, pig tapeworm larvae are often isolated. Adult ringworms that are several tens of centimeters long fly out of the rectum with active or tense physical exercise.

Eggs and larvae of all types of parasites are found by examining feces under a microscope. However, there are often difficulties in identifying the cause of the disease. They may not appear in the stool. Biochemical blood tests show the presence of class G immunoglobulins and immune conditions, which decrease when parasites are affected. But this cannot serve as an indicator of the type of pathogen.

Therefore, the results of the study may be positive for several years. Of course, the presence of many parasites in the body causes a significant decrease in immunity, a decrease in immunoglobulin levels or its complete absence. Class M immunoglobulins are found during the acute invasive period, but in a short period of time. The presence of this immunoglobulin definitely indicates the presence of parasites in the body.

How to get rid of parasites in the body

Doctors prescribe treatment especially for patients with obvious signs of infection with parasites: consumption of vegetables and (or) fruits, unwashed ingredients, poorly processed slices, contact with animals, finger sucking and bitingnails. In each case, the doctor individually prescribes a complex treatment, as improper therapy often leads to serious complications.

For example, taking medication against swine tapeworms can lead to the breakdown of pathogens and their distribution to various organs and their consequences.

Special preparations provide the easiest removal of parasites. The treatment regimen is developed individually, taking into account the type of pathogen, the possible side effects and the age of the patient. Typically, two or more conservative therapy courses are conducted at intervals of three weeks. Probiotics actively help fight parasites that invade the body, they normalize the active microflora. Natural fermentation milk products - fermented roasted milk, kefir and others - also help. Parasite products (toxins) are effectively removed from the body by a group of enterosorbents.

If the patient has a rash and an allergic reaction, antihistamines are added to the main treatment.

Folk remedies for parasites in the human body

Traditional medicine has many medicines and prescriptions for parasites. Our ancestors, who did not have modern medicine, successfully bred helminths with garlic, onions, pumpkin seeds, pumpkin oil, red pepper, ginger, mustard, carrots, bitter wormwood, cloves, black beans and Manchu, avran, tansy, pomegranate peel, chanterelles (mushrooms), carrots and strawberries.

Calendula, Saussurea, currant leaves, lespedets, sauerkraut pickles, cumin seeds and dill, strawberries, birch leaves help get rid of parasites easily.

Traditional medicine recipes for parasites

  • Recipe # 1.Cut a medium-sized onion, pour a glass of boiling water into a thermos and leave for 12 hours, then strain. Drink the whole contents on an empty stomach the next day.
  • Recipe No. 2.Mix 100 g of crushed pumpkin seeds with 100 g of sugar. Take orally in the morning before breakfast for 3 tbsp. spoon mixture and immediately drink 3 tbsp. spoons of castor oil.
  • Recipe number 3.Pour a glass of boiling water over 2 tbsp. tablespoons dried dried worms, leave for three hours, strain. Treat for 10 consecutive days, drinking 3 tablespoons in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Prescription No. 4.It is used for patients with sensitive stomach. Insist 6 hours taken in 2 tbsp. spoons of chamomile and buckthorn bark in a glass of boiling water. Strain and drink the entire infusion in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Recipe # 5.Mix 1 tsp. oak bark, buckthorn, tansy and chamomile medicine. Insist the mixture for 6 hours in half a liter of boiling water. Strain and drink 100 ml in the morning before breakfast. Treatment in all cases is long - from 40 to 90 days. Although the effectiveness of herbal products is lower than that of pharmaceutical preparations, they improve the function of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, the general condition of the patient and do not allow re-infection. Choleretic herbs remove parasites from the gallbladder and ducts.
  • Recipe # 6.Used for protozoa reproduction. 1 tbsp. Pour the chopped saussurea with a glass of boiling water, leave for three hours and strain. 1 tbsp. 3 r / d before meals in 30-40 minutes.
  • Recipe # 7.Also from protozoa. The composition includes equal parts of crushed peppermint and cinquefoil herbs, elecampane roots and sandy immortelle flowers. We insist for 3 hours (2 tablespoons of the mixture in 500 ml of boiling water). ⅓ cup three times a day for a month before meals for 1 hour.

If there is no complete cure, repeat the course of therapy.