Many organisms coexist with humans on the planet, some of which are capable of producing parasites in humans and animals. In people they are called by one common word - worm. Treatment for such problems, signs of parasitic infection and prevention methods are discussed below.
Be careful, parasites!
Infected with helminths, and this is the proper name for worms and similar creatures that can carry parasites on human organisms, animals, fish, in many ways. They pose a great danger to health, although often the infected person himself cannot imagine that the problems that arise are the result of the vital activity of the parasite. What kind of worms do humans have? The answer to this question will help determine the type of individual causing the health disorder, and therefore, choose the right treatment. After all, why are worms dangerous? The release of waste products into the body system, the absorption of nutrients, its deficiency affects the state of health. In the treatment of helminthiasis, one of the main things should be to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene.
What is the danger?
Stool-like analysis for worm eggs serves as a mandatory item for medical examinations to determine overall health. From the moment of admission to the nursery and until receiving the voucher for sanatorium treatment, one must undergo such a procedure. The presence of parasites in the body is the reason for medical withdrawal under certain circumstances. Many people prefer to take pills to prevent worms first, to ensure they get the required negative test results. But why are helminths so dangerous that the procedure for determining their presence in the body is one of the most common during medical examinations of people of all ages and professions?
Parasites that live in the human body have a detrimental effect on them, which manifests itself in different ways. Thus, immunity undergoes their vital activity - the susceptibility to influenza, viral and bacterial infections increases. The body begins to lack useful nutrients - trace elements and vitamins, which affect all the processes that take place in the system, organs and tissues, causing various diseases and pathologies. Because worms perform all important processes in the human body, the toxins they release have toxic effects, and intoxication occurs. This in turn contributes to the development of asthma, allergies, disorders of the liver and kidneys. Worms have a negative effect on the work of all parts of the gastrointestinal tract. They also affect the function of the central nervous system, causing insomnia, irritability, excessive excitement, aggressiveness, which can develop into depression. The negative consequences occur for those who suffer from problems such as worms. The treatment should be carried out efficiently, taking into account many aspects, starting with the type of helminth and ending with the general state of human health.
Different parasites like that
Before deciding on a treatment method, you need to know the type of worm a person has. Scientists have discovered several types. They belong to two large groups:
- nematode ringworm (Nematoda);
- flatworm.
Both groups of parasites are very widespread, as only worms derived from trematode mines, which can parasite in the human body and cause disease, are found in about 40 species. In humans, diseases caused by the vital activity of worms are divided as follows:
- mine worm;
- enterobiasis;
- trichocephalosis.
What steps should be taken to prevent infection? Why are worms dangerous? Poisoning of the human or animal body with products of their vital activity, as well as damage to the tissues and organs in which they reside.
Scientists divide parasites that can perform important activities in the human body, so to speak, according to their habitat:
- Luminal - this type includes worms that live in various parts of the intestine. There are more than a hundred of them, the most common of which are cream worms, ringworms, mine worms, cow tape worms, whip worms.
- Cain. They live in other organs and tissues, in addition to the intestines, affecting the heart, lungs, liver, lymphatic system, and brain.
That is why fecal analysis for worm eggs is not always able to provide accurate answers to the question of potential human invasion.
Need to be careful?
Symptoms of a worm infection often do not suspect such a problem. General weakness and discomfort, weight loss, deterioration of skin and hair are signs of not only helminthiasis, but also many other health problems. But itching in the anus, especially at night, the appearance of white worm-like inserts in the stool, which, upon closer inspection, turned out to be worm-like worms, should be an incentive to visit a doctor and be tested for helminthiasis to identify problems andget quality treatment. Unfortunately, such obvious signs appear only when the infection is spreading. The first symptoms often disappear unnoticed, parasites are assimilated, in some cases spread to many organs, not only affecting the intestines. In what cases is it necessary to visit a doctor for a specific test appointment that can detect helminthiasis? They are divided by experts according to the field of manifestation:
- Gastrointestinal tract disorders. In most cases, parasites are found in the human intestine, causing certain system disorders: stool disorders occur - constipation is replaced by diarrhea, heartburn and bloating increase, painful sensations appear in the abdomen, especially in the right hypochondrium and around the navel.
- Nervous disorders. Poisoning by waste from parasites causes disruption in the functioning of the nervous system. Drunkenness causes headaches, dizziness. Often, patients infected with worms take such symptoms for the development of migraines, start taking painkillers, which in turn negatively affects their health. In their lives, parasites use useful substances that can be found in the human body. As a result, patients experience vitamin deficiency, which is manifested in a feeling of constant fatigue and weakness. Disorders like these are caused by infections in the body with worms very significantly in children - babies can not sleep well, changeable, school-age children reduce their academic performance.
- Allergic reactions and manifestations of helminthiasis on the skin are also common consequences of this problem. Due to the fact that parasites release important products into the human body, some body reactions begin to occur more actively, for example, skin rashes and itching appear. Rhinitis and tuberculosis can also appear, the condition of the nails and hair, which is poisoned, is disturbed.
- Helminths, after entering the human body and settling in them, also cause a deterioration in general health, expressed in decreased immunity, frequent colds. Infected people often have inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx, urinary tract and genital area. Also, the presence of helminths in the human body can be indicated by bad breath and the appearance of unpleasant taste in the mouth.
All deviations that arise in health and well-being require consultation with a specialist and specific tests. Many of those who think about the potential for infection with helminths are looking for answers to the question of whether garlic helps fight worms, believing that the available methods will help prevent unpleasant problems such as helminthiasis. But to ensure that there are no intruders in your body, you need to undergo a thorough examination.
How to identify the problem?
Under certain circumstances, a person may be suspected of having worms. Which doctor should I contact to solve the problem of adequate diagnosis and treatment of the problem? The main specialist in treating diseases such as helminthiasis is the infectious disease doctor.
Specialists can make an early diagnosis of a specific type of parasite, "settling" in the patient's body, according to the specific signs. So, for the invasion of cream worms, itching is characteristic, felt in the anus, which increases mainly at night. If the parasites are actively breeding, and there are many of them, then the parasites can be seen on the stool, even with the naked eye. Deep dysbiosis against the background of damage to the intestinal mucosa develops against the background of infection with worms such as whip worms, Schistosoma trematode, mine worms. If the invasion of the body is caused by extensive tapeworms, then the special symptoms, in addition to dysbiosis, will be B-12 deficiency anemia. Ascariasis can be characterized by severe weight loss, obsessive cough, weakness, sore throat. The development of jaundice, liver and spleen disorders may indicate infection with hepatic parasites.
Keep in mind that the incubation period for different types of helminths can last from 3-4 days to 3-4 weeks. But for parasites such as filarias, which cause filariasis or elephantiasis, such intervals are up to one and a half years.
Only a specialist can determine the presence of helminths in the body, its type and method of treatment. It is impossible to choose an effective remedy for worms for children or adults themselves!
To determine helminthic invasion, people of all ages are given three main tests:
- stools for worm eggs;
- blood on lamblia, a parasite on the liver;
- erodes enterobiasis.
Under certain circumstances, patients may undergo additional examinations, for example, during a recent visit to the tropics, where you may be infected with a parasite that is unfamiliar to our country.
Risk group
Probably, no one is immune to problems like worms. Intrusion treatment should be chosen by a specialist only after a diagnosis has been made and the general health of the patient is considered. Perhaps someone would argue that in any pharmacy you can see on the shelves of medicines for worms with a wide spectrum of action, sold without a prescription. But only an expert can recommend this drug or that drug to use. Like any disease, helminthiasis is best prevented. This is especially true for people at risk:
- small children;
- people who are in close contact with animals;
- those who eat meat or fish that have not been fully treated;
- hunter.
Today, experts are conducting research on the influence of worms on the development of many serious diseases, including cancer. That is why the problem of aggression identified in a timely manner, the prevention of high quality infection becomes very relevant for modern society.
Pharmaceutical products
Worm pills are sold in any pharmacy. Their price range is quite wide. But before you buy and take any medicine, you need to seek expert advice, because different types of parasites such as worms need appropriate treatment. Only a doctor can recommend a drug that is able to get rid of uninvited guests in the human body for a certain period of time. These drugs can be classified roughly according to the way they act on parasites:
- disables individual activity;
- violates metabolic processes in parasitic tissues;
- blocks certain processes in the helminth body.
What worm prevention pills can I buy? This is a common question heard by pharmacists in pharmacies. They work primarily to anticipate the obvious manifestations of helminthic invasion, a person simply experiencing an infection, without seeing a deviation in the state of health.
Also in pharmacies you can buy ingredients for worms, which are proven by scientific research and have antelmintic effects.
Auxiliary Plants
Worm treatment in children, as well as the prevention of helminthiasis should be one of the regular care points for children of all ages. Because children, dominating the world around them, all strive to "feel and feel", the risk of getting infected with the same cream or ringworm is always present.
For centuries, people have tried to get rid of worms with the help of plants. Currently, the antiparasitic effects of some of them are confirmed by scientific research. For example, these are pumpkin seeds, which have laxatives and, as a result, antihelminthic properties. Brittle buckthorn bark has a similar effect, which can be purchased at the pharmacy in powder form to prepare an infusion or decoction.
Does garlic help worms? Yes, in some cases, this spice is able to act antihelminthic. In addition, infusions and tinctures based on garlic stimulate the immune system, affecting the body's ability to cleanse itself from unwanted guests - viruses, bacteria, fungi and worms. Herbs against worms are always popular, especially as prophylactic agents - these are tansy, centaury, bitter wormwood, ginger, chamomile. They are used in decoctions and infusions, have laxative, anthelmintic, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory properties. It is advisable to take folk remedies in addition to the main therapy of aggression or prevention.
Traditional methods
Another way to get rid of intestinal worms is to get rid of them. You can use medicines and plants that cause diarrhea. And you can use enema recipes for worms. For example, this:
- 20 grams of wormwood must be chopped;
- pour 3 liters of hot boiled water into the raw material;
- insists for half an hour;
- drain, strain, produce and squeeze through a thin cloth;
- use a warm infusion - 25-35 degrees for a more comfortable feeling during the procedure and better component action.
You can only give an enema once a day. Moreover, like other medical interventions in the human body, it must be agreed with a specialist. Enemas help remove toxins and toxins, waste from parasites and themselves. But if the invasion is not a cavity, but an interstitial one, then the enema will only be an auxiliary agent that cleanses the intestines. Many medicinal plants can be used to prepare medicines such as enemas for parasites - chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula. The part in this case has not changed - 20 grams of hay per 3 liters of water. They will allow you to cope with the task and not harm the intestinal microflora.
Hygiene and prevention
For people all the time, problems like worms have been relevant. Intrusion treatment is performed and performed in every possible way. The pharmaceutical industry continues to release new drugs that can overcome helminthic infections in the body. But the best medicine is prevention. Since worm infections occur mainly through the mouth, the possibility of parasitic eggs entering the oral cavity and entering the intestine should be excluded. To do this, the following rules must be strictly followed:
- wash your hands regularly with soap and water;
- store household items such as toys that the child may put in his mouth;
- wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly with running water;
- vaccinate and treat pets that family members can contact;
- Heat meat and fish thoroughly while cooking;
- follow personal hygiene rules (change underwear regularly, take care of intimate areas with special care products);
- If you suspect an infection with worms, or just for prophylaxis purposes, you should see a doctor for a special examination appointment and selection of medications and prophylaxis.
Taking precautions will help you avoid health problems such as worms. Invasion treatment can be quite long and therefore expensive, although prevention will bring protection against aggression and general benefits to the body, preventing infection not only by worms, but also by fungi, viruses and bacteria.